
Encoder Choices

A project log for RGB 2x2 Encoder Knob SAO

2x2 Rotary encoders with RGB, on SAO

sphereinaboxsphereinabox 10/22/2024 at 02:140 Comments

The Adafruit board has neopixels under each encoder and would shine the light up the stem but I couldn't find where I could order rotary encoders with click and clear stem. Instead I'm using ones with RGB LEDs in the encoder will strobe through the 4 encoders to control the RGB LEDs and read the push-button inputs with a limited number of pins.

In searching for parts I found some related designs

The encoder I found on digikey, the Bourns PEL12T matches the Sparkfun one with 5 pins on one side, 3 on the other.

I hope cycling between lighting up the 4 encoders will work well enough.
