
DC Power Supply

Buying a ready-made power supply would be too easy, so I decided to make my own.

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My power supply allows for setting both voltage and current limits using rotary encoders, features a 3.5" touchscreen LCD display, and offers remote control via a 2.4GHz RFM75 module (the same one I used in my Energy meter project). Voltage can be adjusted within a 0-35V range, and the current limit from 0-7A. The adjustment step for voltage and current can be set on the display – 10mV, 100mV, 1V for voltage, and 1mA, 10mA, 100mA for current.

In addition to voltage and current, the display shows load resistance, power consumption, charge in ampere-hours, and energy in watt-hours. Measured data can also be displayed in graph format.

The power supply comprises a toroidal transformer and three PCBs, with their functions illustrated in a simplified block diagrams.

From a circuitry standpoint, the power supply is designed as a linear analog system with two control loops regulated by a 16-bit DAC AD5663 (initially, a 12-bit DAC LTC2632 was used, and the new DAC is wired in). A 16-bit ADC LTC1865 is used to measure voltage and current. Both the ADC and DAC communicate with the MCU via an optically isolated SPI bus. As error amplifiers, I used OPA140 operational amplifiers, whose outputs are merged through diodes to control MJE15030A power transistors in a Darlington configuration with BDW93 and BC846. To minimize thermal losses on the transistors, a toroidal transformer with four windings was used, which switches according to the set output voltage.

The output current is measured as the voltage drop across a 10-milliohm resistor, which is further amplified by an OPA228 operational amplifier with a gain of 50. An IC REF5040, providing a 4.096V output, is used as the voltage reference for both ADC and DAC.

The power supply is controlled by a PIC32MM0256GPM028 microcontroller, with firmware written entirely in C (including graphic libraries) in the MPLAB X environment. Eagle CAD was used for PCB design, and the enclosure was created in Fusion 360.

Source files

x-zip-compressed - 7.17 MB - 10/25/2024 at 22:27


  • Schematics

    Miroslav Hancar10/25/2024 at 22:28 0 comments

    Rectifier, capacitors and transformer tap switches (PCB 3)

    Analog control circuits of power supply (PCB 2)

    Main board schematics

  • Measurements

    Miroslav Hancar10/25/2024 at 22:26 0 comments

    I did some measurements to verify the dynamic properties of the power supply.

    First, i measured the transient step load response in CV mode. Output voltage was set to 10V, load resistance was 5 Ohms switched by MOSFETs. 

    (Yellow trace is the output voltage. Blue trace is the gate control signal)

    Transient response in CV mode
    CV - 10Vout, 5R load, ON
    CV - 10Vout, 5R load, ON, zoomedCV - 5Vout, 5R load, OFF, zoomed
    CV - 10Vout, 5R load, OFF, zoomed

    Transition from CV to CC (and vice versa). Output voltage was to 10V, current limit to 1A and the load resistance was 5 Ohms.

    CV to CC, 10Vout, 5R load, 1A current limit
    from CC back to CV

    Voltage rise after power-up

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