

a real Operating System for MCUs

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I don't like that the easiest way to get an operating system as powerful as Windows 3.11 running am ESP32 in to emulate a PC and install Windows 3.11 on it.

Embedded OSs make you compile everything into the kernel.

The purpose of MagnetiteOS is to allow dynamically loading of executables on my DIY PDA.

MagnetiteOS will be based on the core concept of an 'Everything is a relational DB' in the same way Unix is based on 'Everything is a file'

To get around not having a MMU and to allow for greater portability I'll use a VM for the apps, most like starting with PikaPython.

MagnetiteOS will come with a basic suite of PIM apps like PalmOS had, plus an interactive notebooks/Wiki and will sync information between devices like gundb

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