

A lovely upgrade to my wristwatch

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This will be an on going project,but we have to wait until the holo part matures. I'm still gathering Items for it.

Wave hello to Soli touchless interactions

Soli is a new sensing technology that uses miniature radar to detect touchless gesture interactions. I'm definitely going to use that for the Holo watch

more info here

Next I wait for the Holovect to improve a little bit

Gestures below

Slider Gesture

Dial Gesture

Button Gesture

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Dimitris Karapatis wrote 11/04/2017 at 13:11 point

You might find this interesting, it's a pretty simple user 2D input technology. I was also making experiments with echolocation for a LilyBand tracking system for VR, and a "bubble cloud forming with ultrasound" concept for Holographic display. 

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Orlando Hoilett wrote 02/21/2017 at 10:41 point

Soli looks pretty cool. I'm itching to see what you do with it.

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Ricardo Ferro wrote 03/02/2017 at 04:36 point

I hoping others would have the soli module too, collaboration would be great.

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Ricardo Ferro wrote 03/02/2017 at 04:36 point

I hoping others would have the soli module too, collaboration would be great.

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