ESP8266(Tiny NodeMCU) = X-8266
This tutorial has 2 parts: How to start with Arduino and How to start with NodeMCU.
If you know Arduino well, I recommend you use Arduino IDE to control D-duino.
If you know LUA well, I recommend you use Esplorer to control D-duino.
You need to download CP2102 driver first.
Start with Arduino
First, please go to to download arduino software.
Then start Arduino and open Preferences window.
into Additional Board Manager URLs field.
Click "OK"
Open Boards Manager from Tools > Board menu and install esp8266 platform
After you install it restart Arduino IDE, then you will see the ESP8266 examples has already been integrated into the software.
Please download this file and unzip to you Arduino library.
Then you will find OLED example has already been existed in your IDE.
You should use D1(SDA) and D2(SCL) to control D-duino.
When you coding , you need change "SSD1306 display(0x3c, D3, D5)" to SSD1306 display"(0x3c, D1, D2)".
Please configure the board like this:
Attention: When you use D-duino-B or X-8266 please change SSD1306 to SH1106.
Start with NodeMCU
First , download ESPlorer :
Then we need to build a NodeMCU firmware.
Please go to
Your firmware will be compiled at cloud.
You can choose the module you need, be attention IIC and U8G must be needed.
Becareful when you use D-duino-B or X-8266, the U8G options should be changed to SH1106.
You will receive a E-mail including download address. Download your firmware into your desktop.
Then we can start burning.
Download the flashing tool:
Open it.
You can choose any baudrate here. When you fail to download, change baudrate and try again.
Choose the file you downloaded:
Click Flash:
Open ESPlorer:
The Baudrate of software must be 115200!
Click RST button of D-duino you should receive the information like this:
When you see "Formatting file system. Please wait..." ,Just wait a little...
When you see "can not open init.lua" means everything is OK.
Let me teach you how to write your first program.
Here I provide a WiFi scanner example:
wifi.setmode(wifi.STATION) --Set mode to STATION so he chip can receive the SSID broadcast function init_OLED(sda,scl) --Set up the u8glib lib sla = 0x3c i2c.setup(0, sda, scl, i2c.SLOW) disp = u8g.ssd1306_128x64_i2c(sla) disp:setFont(u8g.font_6x10) disp:setFontRefHeightExtendedText() disp:setDefaultForegroundColor() disp:setFontPosTop() end init_OLED(1,2) --Run setting up tmr.alarm(0,3000,1,function() --A timer, which used to run the following program wifi.sta.getap(function(t) disp:firstPage() repeat lines = 0 for k,v in pairs(t) do disp:drawStr(0,lines * 11,k.." "..v:sub(3,5).."dbi") --Print the data out lines = lines + 1 end until disp:nextPage() == false end) end)
You can copy this code to the left window of ESPlorer, Save this code to "init.lua". Then click "Save to ESP", D-duino should work like this:
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