
Entry 11: Prototype Board is at OshPark

A project log for Aiie! - an embedded Apple //e emulator

A Teensy 4.1 running as an Apple //e

jorj-bauerJorj Bauer 06/28/2017 at 10:200 Comments

It's still a bit of a mess, and I have to do some coding to bring it in line with the latest schematic, but...

... it's assigned to a panel at Osh Park.

One interesting tidbit came up during the wiring cross-check - the display that Jennifer bought from eBay has its pixels in an odd order (something like 1 4 3 2 5 8 7 6).

With some fruitless digging in the datasheet and then more fruitful searching on the internet, we found a similar problem from someone else that was resolved with an initialization change; it traces back to one specific bit:


Weird, but here's the proof...

Anyway - since there are obviously at least two different versions of this display, I figured I'd throw in a configuration jumper on the first prototype board ("DISPSEL"). Easy enough to read a pin on startup and decide how to initialize based on that.

Next problem: while building out all of the key labels on the silkscreen layer, I found that I'd misplaced some of them (whoops); and that the connector for the display was rotated 180 degrees (double whoops). After fixing those, the autorouter couldn't route all the traces (triple whoops - I feel like I should have bought a lottery ticket).

So: J1 and J2 now exist to provide path for the LCD voltage. I also remember - vaguely, too many projects between then and now! - having seen the display flagging very early in the battery discharge cycle, probably because it expects 5v and I'm giving it whatever's coming off of the 18650 (nominally 3.7v, but up to 4.2v when fully charged). So this also gives me the chance to play with a boost circuit here, I suppose. Two birds killed with one stone?

Lastly - I had one more surprise hiding in my hand-wired prototype: an nRF24L01 board. I was toying with using a SLIP connection back to a machine in my office for some Internet connectivity... but have changed plans, substituting an ESP8266 ESP-01 module instead. :)

No idea when I'll get that coded or wired; also no idea if I'll get it to work. But it's there and if it does what I want, all the better...


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