
Updated CAD Model!

A project log for Pocket ESP Cardputer

A jack of all trades multi tool for the busy prepper or technician.

stabbyjackStabbyJack 12/13/2024 at 01:241 Comment

Hey all! Been beavering away with Fusion360 trying to make all the components fit nicely - see some cheeky pics.

The neat-ish side:

The dirty side:

I'm not 100% sold on the speaker hole. It uses a smartphone speaker and seems compact enough to give me a little free space on the board, but I might swap it out for a slightly larger model if we don't need that extra space next to the screen for anything.

Here's the speaker currently in use:

Seems pretty decent for the size!

And here's the latest version with the screen and speaker in place (excuse the quality of the 3D print, I'm on the dregs of the roll now).

That's it for now! I have some sample PCBs on order to test some power rail designs for efficiency and such. If all goes well, we should have some initial versions of the board early January.

Thanks for having a look!
Catch you soon!


Colpr wrote 12/23/2024 at 23:11 point

Looking pretty nice! Early January? That's pretty close.

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