
Liquid Pyrotechnics

Environmentally friendly, safe alternative to fireworks.

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A water rocket based reusable firework, using UV reflective pigments and UV spotlights. Vastly reducing noise, airborne pollutants particularly and discarded casings, as well as the risks posed by handling explosives.

Completely open hardware just please credit me, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

A water rocket based reusable firework, using UV reflective pigments and uv spotlights. Vastly reducing noise, airborne pollutants particularly and discarded casings, as well as the risks posed by handling explosives. Making the world safer, cleaner and more fun protecting people, wildlife and the enviroment.

  • Water Pistol Test

    haydn jones03/24/2017 at 00:10 0 comments

    Just went out in the wind to find a dark spot to test the liquid in flight. It looks better and greener in real life, i should use the UV glasses as a filter on the camera, but I really needed an assistant.

    My test setup. Ultra bright UV torch, UV markers, syringes, water pistols , UV safety glasses.

  • 'Fuel' Test

    haydn jones03/20/2017 at 22:55 0 comments

    The first part of the project is the fuel testing. This is the uv reactive inert liquid propellant.

    Stage 1. Remove some ink from a Non-Toxig highlighter pen.

    Next test under a UV spotlight....

    and finally, dilute with water...

    Next stage is to fire streams outdoors, when there isn't a storm.

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spycrab wrote 07/04/2022 at 03:28 point

I think this would be really cool in a water rocket. The spotlight could be on the ground tracking the rocket, but there could also be UV LED(s) rigged up on the rocket to illuminate it in flight .

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jlbrian7 wrote 03/21/2017 at 00:14 point

i don't think that there is any substitute for actual fireworks, but I like the idea.

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haydn jones wrote 03/21/2017 at 00:24 point

See how it works when I launch one, the ink diluted really well, and I'm looking forward to trying a Catherine wheel. Also in many places you cant launch your own real ones anyway. Also thanks for the buck :)

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Kris Keillor wrote 08/14/2024 at 02:45 point

I would love to see a Catherine wheel.

If you do another video (which is basically mandatory!), love the music, but mute the wind noise in that case!

Always interested in alternatives to fireworks.

Have you actually researched the runoff effects of these chemicals, or just assuming they are more environmentally friendly?

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