

A project log for Marantz PM7200 wifi amplifier control

Adding wifi control to a 2004 Marantz PM7200 stereo amplifier

quinQuin 11/21/2024 at 10:550 Comments

Years ago, I bought a nice stereo amplifier: a Marantz PM7200. For around €200 on a dutch second hand site, checked by an electrician and in great state.
What I love about this amplifier, apart from the sound, is its simplicity: it amplifies stereo audio. That's it. No bells and whistles like HDMI inputs, wifi or bluetooth control, not even a tuner. I like this, because those always get outdated. It was introduced around 2004, 20 years ago as I'm writing this, which means that the included extras could be largely obsolete anyway. Hell, even something as an FM-tuner would be near obsolete these days!

What it does do:

If you ask me, technology that is still relevant in 20 years to come.

A year or so ago, I got sucked in the world of home automation. I personally don't really see the need of automations that detect when I get home and turn on the lights, I mostly use it for making small things in life easier like being able to turn on all my lights at once.

One requirement I always had though: it should always be controllable without internet. So a lamp should always have a physical switch to control it, additional to wireless control.

This is also what I want for my amplifier. When I want to turn on my (internet)radio, I can do that using the remote that came with the Marantz. I've built a clock some years back, also featuring a IR receiver and a Raspberry Pi with LIRC to process those commands. The amplifier though, I have to turn on myself, with a physical, clunky switch at the start of the mains circuit of the amplifier. It does feature a standby mode, but I'm not a great fan of it in this amp. I've had it fail on me a couple of times.

Furthermore, the remote has been showing it's age, especially the volume buttons. I've fixed it with some pencil once which improved it for a while, but it has worn out again, so a goal was born:

A project is born.

Marantz PM7200 front view
Marantz PM7200 front view
Marantz PM7200 back view
Marantz PM7200 back view
