

Track ISS passes using an iconic display format!

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This project aims to build a cool way to track the International Space Station on its mission to fall forever. (Or at least as long as the money lasts)

  • 1 × Raspberry Pi - Model B The brains!
  • 9 × Philips SAA1064 7-Segment Drivers
  • 3 × Adafruit HT16K33 16-Segment Drivers
  • 3 × KingBright PSC05-11SURKWA Red 16 Segment Display

  • Manufacturing is Underway!

    Alex Bragdon07/28/2014 at 05:03 0 comments

    I just sent the display board out for manufacturing! I'm so nervous, this is my first self designed PCB. Wish me luck and I'll be posting the github, schematics and board files tomorrow. Just note the boards will be untested so I would recommend waiting until I've gotten the first batch to make any tweaks I feel nessasary.

  • Part One - Breadboards and Beginnings

    Alex Bragdon07/22/2014 at 02:25 0 comments

    Hello! This initial posting assumes you've watched the introduction video. (Linked here: Right so, my prototype is a little messy at the moment, but it is addressing 121 LEDs! Thats 70 for the 10 7-Segment digits, 2 for AM and PM, 48 for the 3 16-Segments for the month, and 1 final one for flashing separation between the hour and minute. There is a bit of a mistake I left out of the video that I wanted to point out here. Originally I had only planned on using the Adafruit HT16K33 driver backpacks, instead of a mix of them and the Philips SAA1064s. Unfortunately the HT16K33 only works with common anode displays and I accidentally ordered all my seven segments as common cathode! Luckily the SAA1064s work well, even if it does increase the part count (they require a 2.7nF capacitor and two transistors, each). Anyway i'm off to design some circuts! 

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