
Random Related Notes-To-Self

A project log for OMNI 4 - a Kaypro 2x Logic Analyzer

A while back I acquired a rare logic-analyzer, whose lone system-diskette needed backing-up. Now this page is all things OMNI 4

eric-hertzEric Hertz 11/04/2024 at 17:260 Comments

Maybe one a deez dayz I'll wisen-up and throw a single "log entry" like this into my projects, early-on, and link it (singular!) in the project-description, or something, so it's easy for me to find, but doesn't flood the logs with a bunch of tiny notes-to-self... Especially annoying, because such things often pop-up months or years after I last worked on the project, and often the last log was worthy of being recognizable as the last directly-related to progress. I dunno.



avr-libc: util/crc16.h

*looks like* some decent code and references regarding the CRC used on floppies. 

(Which, for all who aren't in the know, was a deep rabbithole the OMNI4 led me into, that resulted in the discovery that many *respected* references on the matter turned out to implement it *very differently* than they *explained* it. [schematic diagrams using shift-registers did *not* match the code implementations]. And, the further discovery that that disconnect seems to exist in MANY references on LFSRs, in general... which may very well be why I had so much trouble implementing one in my capstone class ~20 years ago. BUT, while working on the OMNI4, I finally noticed that disconnect in numerous resources, and agonizingly convinced one to correct it... heh. So here are some more direct references I might one-day compare my findings to.)
