
Rpj116 projector (firmware modificaton)

Looking to backwards engineer a flash ic firmware firmware projector to add functionality (play doom music visualizer ect..

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I have dumped the flash ic of this rpj116 projector from real. I'm looking for help or mentorship to reverse engineer or even write new firmware to the ic. I already have the ic hooked up to a programmer and have dumped the binary or hex into a bin. I need help or guidance decompiling the code to possibly edit or replace certain aspects of the firmware maybe even adding a music visualizer or play doom on it. If anyone has the skills to help or help give guidance it would be greatly appreciated as I've allways wanted to reverse engineer and hack low level security device or just anything digital. I can post the dump in a later post.


The flash ic (bios and firmware)

octet-stream - 4.00 MB - 11/25/2024 at 19:38


  • 1 × Ch314a Ic programmer
  • 1 × Rpj116 Projector
  • 1 × Winbond flash ic

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