
19/05 : Worst day

A project log for Sonar Blind Project

The Sonar Blind Project tends to replace the blind mans canes with a wristband that works with sonar concept.

sonar1Sonar1 05/19/2017 at 14:500 Comments

Really difficult day today. Almost everything is done, we have laser cutted a plastic sheet to build a layer for the arduino card, so we can sold the arduino cards to the parts. We have also connected the switch button to the battery.

We thought that the time of flight sensor broke. So we ccould not use it in the montage anymore, and we were going to need to replace it with the ultrason sensor, if we were not able to buy it again.

One solution would be to use the ultrasons sensor, but there is still the cone problem, which makes the device useless.

We have also glued a layer to the lower arduino shell, that is going to hold the arduino card, the battery and wires.

We are a bit late because of today's mistake, but it's still possible !


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