

A project log for Robot Watering Arm

A peristaltic pump type on a snake or overhead moving crane with vision system

jacob-david-c-cunninghamJacob David C Cunningham 12/05/2024 at 16:100 Comments

So... life kinda hit me (poor) so I've been working a lot... and have not made anything in a few months.

But now... I have a better job and I should have more funds and free time.

I'm feeling the itch to get back in.

This is a project that I've been thinking about.

My plants I water them every 4 days. I use my Twilio SMS account bot that I made 4 years ago, this thing runs my life.

Anyway... I also have this vision of an overhead garden thing which I do have a project about, but it's watching things grow. I need to move out and not have a garden in my closet but that's a future goal too.

This one would be cool, some platform will hold up an arm, it carries a water tube around and then it pumps the water to the plants. Having some kind of depth mapping paired with vision would be neat.

It's ambitious and a time sink, perfect.
