
Management module software

A project log for TinyJaguar

An AMD Jaguar cluster computer

colin-alstonColin Alston 03/11/2017 at 21:430 Comments

The management module needs some software to manage the cluster. I'll detail setting up NFS and TFTP to boot the nodes and get MPICH2 running in a later post because it's fairly involved.

I put the code for my management interface on GitHub here

This provides simple control for the ATX power supply, and makes the buttons and LED's do the right things.

Just for fun I added in a little isometric view of the cluster which updates in real time according to the temperature of each node which is somewhat hypnotic to watch, especially when I apply load and it starts warming up and turning green and then yellow. The ambient temperature today is pretty cold in my lab, seems Winter Is Comming.
