
Verilog Code for HPDL1414 Display Interface

A project log for HPDL-1414 PMOD Display with a 74HC595 Extender

HPDL-1414 display simple yet beautiful and easy to use

andrew-tudoroiAndrew Tudoroi 01/09/2025 at 22:490 Comments

Data for the display is stored in a small memory block 16 bytes deep and continuously refreshed.
To print data on the display we need to put the char in the memory that is done by   verilog UART module.

Demo: Running on the icebreaker board.


Tx and Rx line are physically connected to the FPGA pins:

set_io -nowarn RX          6
set_io -nowarn TX          9

Data path:

Timing diagram:

For the complete Verilog code, refer to the project repository:
