
Going Forward

A project log for MiniPico v1

A tiny handheld dev console, with a 12 button keypad, Pi Pico W inside, piezo buzzer, and 128x64 OLED.

gordonGordon 01/20/2025 at 18:070 Comments

I will be on a trip til the end of the month so will not be working on any projects during that time. But I have some thoughts on the future of this project and the interpreter as a whole.

I am going to rename the language to just GRK. The initial version will be written in python, then I plan on making a version in C. Both implimentations will be available on my github in the same repository.

I think micropython is fine for most cases on embedded devices such as Pico W if wanting to make something quick, or it's a small project. But as python is very inefficient on memory, with a larger project it is not very good. I am already having memory issues I need to sort out with what I have running  and it's really hard to track down where it's happening. So far it is almost entirely to do with using the urequests library for fetching data from the internet. I think I can optimize it in python, but if I were using C I doubt I'd have run into this issue yet as the total available memory would be much greater before even fetching the html request.

When I wrote TGRK in C for attiny85, if I remember correctly I think the entire interpreter only used about 100-150 bytes of memory (not counting program memory, which in TGRK is set at 127 bytes). Granted TGRK does have a fraction of the features GRK will, but with this project, for it to work reliably I need to be able to manage the memory myself.

A simple example is an integer variable for setting different modes. Let's say we have modes 0-3. In python this will automatically be several bytes. In C we can make sure it is only 1 byte by setting type as uint8_t. If we want 8 flags that can be 1 or 8, we can save that in a single byte and manipulate the bits in that byte. I need to lookup how many bytes micropython uses for a boolean. it has to be more than 1 considering how python stores variables.

I have not used the C SDK for Pico or Pico W, so I will be setting that up and driving into that after the python implementation is finished.
