As an amateur goldpanner and prospector I have travelled to a handful of places all around Europe on the hunt for shiny specks of gold. With gold prices soaring it's a hobby increasing in popularity, and gold can be found almost anywhere in the world. Some gold miners even find nuggets worth thousands of dollars!
Finding gold is often made by a manual process that can be tedious and ineffective, while more serious endeavours require bulky and expensive equipment. That is why I am designing a new type of sluicepan.
1. Floats on the water surface
A regular sluicebox needs to be tethered to the ground, which can be difficult if the water is too deep. By floating the device it can be used almost anywhere.
2. Does not require moving water
A regular sluicebox needs running water, while my invention combines the advantage of a goldpan to manually create flotation and settle the gold.
3. Designed for continuous operation
Unlike a goldpan where paydirt is processed one batch at a time, the sluicepan can be used over and over for hours before emptied and the gold recovered.
4. Easily fits in a backpack
A highbanker or large sluice can be quite big, while the nuggetgrabber will be compact and small to fit inside a backpack. No assembly required.
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