Technical Details:

- 25x WS2812 LEDs, powerful enough to shine in full daylight
- Runs on ATtiny85
- 5V/1A Micro USB charging port
- Microphone to react to sounds
- On/Off switch
- Knob to adjust brightness
- 18650 standard battery holder for 3.7V LiPo battery (battery included, 2300mAh)
- Integrated battery monitor to prevent over/under charge (2 charging status LEDs)

Development Story
It was during the first wave of the pandemic when I sat - basically grounded for months - in a tiny room. On a video call a friend showed me these colorful programmable LEDs and it clicked ...

See for all details on my Kickstarter page. The project only got 55% funding so I have a few things left to make some nice present for someone!