
BLDC Etch Robot can draw over 1000 pictures a day!

We upgraded our first etch a sketch robot and made it faster. Now it can auto erase and generate timelapses!

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We built a robot etch a sketch a few months ago, and this is an upgraded version!

Not only can it draw faster, better, and connect wirelessly for uploading - it can accept mp4 or mov files, parse them into your desired FPS timelapse, and then automatically start drawing each frame of the timelapse.

Inside, we have designed an open source BLDC motor controller that is based on the esp32!
It has two bldc motor channels that run simpleFOC, a 9-dof IMU, 4 servo ports, qwiic connectors, and a powerstage and form factor that lets it operate as a pi-hat, complete with a 5v @ 5A buck regulator for up to 3s LiPo batteries!

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Z wrote 01/17/2025 at 06:33 point

1000 pictures a day is awesome - maybe you could add one or two of those to the gallery here so we can see what the results look like?

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