After playing around in CAD, I decided to rotate the whole assembly, and flip the orientation of the extruder motor bracket. This eliminates offsetting the whole assembly like my initial design, and gets rid of some clearance issues I ran into with the handle pivot.

The design change also allows for equal range of movement both forwards and backwards. There is now potential for this to be both a handbrake and sequential shifter, but that sort of thinking is way outside the project scope. I will just focus on the handbrake action now so this doesn't get added to the unfinished project shelf.
After some consideration I will now be trying to use a 3 axis magnetometer rather than an analog stick. I have one lying around, and it sounds easier than trying to design a linkage mechanism for mating the handbrake to the analog stick.
I found an old pair of no name skateboard trucks that uses a removable hex bolt as the kingpin which I will try to use as a plunger-like return mechanism for the handle. I will try to have the plunger attach to the handle and utilize the aft stack of spacers as a mount for the plunger.
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