

A project log for Becoming Myself

A contribution to "Awakening" by TDCTunes

decurusdecurus 02/12/2025 at 23:000 Comments

All that was left to do was build some additional internal electronics. First I coded some displays to show some random states. I coded way to many but… better be prepared. Since this was a rather rushed project all the planing I did was for way to much. Better have it and not use it then need it and not have it.

I also added some leds to show the (fake) state. One downside of planing so little was that after adding the additional displays, the hull didn’t fit on the structure anymore, so I had to cut of some wood. Made it work in the end

Some more fine tuning and coding and that was pretty much it. I will add some more fotos once the art project is officially puplished.
