
Stupid Simple Hardware Store Magnetic PCB Clamp

This magnetic PCB clamp costs less than $1, and can be assembled in minutes from items at your local hardware store.

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Just wanted to share this here, since its stupid simple and I haven't really seen anyone else do it this way. I'll leave it to you to figure out which bolt size works best for you, I'm using a 3/8" bolt.

Preparation time: 5 minutes


1x Bolt
1x Nut for Bolt
1x Circular Magnet
2x Plastic Washers (Can be 3D Printed)
Superglue to taste
CA Accelerant (Optional)

Step 1: Take the bolt and sand down the top. I did this on a bench sander, but it could easily be done with a file or sandpaper. A nice flat top free of markings will help the bolt adhere to the magnet.

Step 2: Glue the top of the bolt head to the magnet.

Step 3: Glue one plastic washer onto the nut.

Step 4: Glue the other plastic washer to the bottom of the bolt head.

Step 5: Thread the nut onto the bolt, it should spin freely. If needed, a little tiny bit of lubricant can be applied to the inside of the nut.

Enjoy on the metal plate of your choice (magnetic)

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Paul wrote 01/18/2025 at 04:01 point

Thanks for the inspiration Dylan.  I went and rolled a version of my own:

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roellascano wrote 01/16/2025 at 14:21 point

Funny - I was using something similar to mount a webcam on devices - never thought of adding another nut to hold things down.  If you use 1/4"-20 bolts, the same setup will work as a camera/webcam mount.  I'll be building more of these over the weekend.

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Dylan Radcliffe wrote 01/16/2025 at 02:40 point

Amazing! Thanks for sharing! Glad you liked it.

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Dan Maloney wrote 01/16/2025 at 00:42 point

Hey Dylan -- this is ridiculously clever! I've been looking for some of those fancy spring-loaded magnetic PCB clips, but this is so simple and easy I can't believe I never thought of it! Headed to Depot tonight to round up the hardware. Wrote it up for the blog, too, should publish soon. Thanks for posting this, very cool idea.

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