
The Right Answer

A project log for Variable speed & angle asynchronous servo control

Arduino library to provide complete, flexible control of servo motors.

doctekdoctek 02/14/2021 at 01:330 Comments

So I looked into this project again recently and came to the sudden realization that I had not taken the next obvious step and put the Sweeper class into an independent library, like the Servo library! Wishing to learn from the excellent examples that exist, I spent some quality time digging into the Servo library. After some careful consideration, I devised a way to create a Sweeper class that could be a separate library - just what I wanted! Then I modified a couple of sketches to test out my shiny new library. A few tweaks later and it works great.

This led to an extensive revision of this project! Reading back over the entries I made for it, I now realize that most of it is moot. It just explained the process I went through to develop the library. The important point is that a Sweeper library has been created. Examples will show how to use it. Since I can't delete or modify the build logs, I will use to them mainly for the history of the development of the Sweeper Library. Very little more needs to be said about that. Note that the sketches I developed along the way using an inline Sweeper class definition are now gone. I have replaced these by examples which use the Sweeper Library. These examples are included with the Sweeper Library.


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