In this work session, we worked on soldering the npn darlington transistor (KSP13TA) and 100k potentiometer to the circuit board. While soldering the pot proved to be a success, an error was made in correctly attaching the transistor. Through testing done with an oscilloscope, we were able to find another error: wires were soldered to the wrong set of pins on the audio jacks. However, it was not until another look was taken at the circuit diagram in KiCAD that we were finally able to determine the emitter, base, and collector on the transistor were in the wrong places. Once these pins were re-routed, we finally got a working pedal that produces a beautiful fuzzy tone. One observation we've made is that the fuzz effect is strongest when played on the bass strings. When the treble strings are struck, the fuzz is noticeably weaker. This is something we should try to address in the next iteration. The gating may actually be caused by the resistor's value.
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