
Pressure Regulator Research

A project log for Iron Man CO2 Repulsor

Hand repulsor strong enough to break a pane of glass using CO2 or compressed air, a high pressure regulator, a solenoid valve, and Arduino.

pete-vieiraPete Vieira 6 hours ago0 Comments



  1. Paintball gun regulators
    1. Inlet pressure gauge is 1000 - 4500 PSI
    2. Ohh! The gauge is only inlet, so it not actually a regulator! Some do allow outlet adjustement.
    3. Very small
    4. Unknown flow coefficients
    5. Unknown outlet pressure
    6. Not too expensive
    7. Options
      1. Polarstar Micro MR Gen2 Regulator
      2. Vavoger Paintball PCP Airsoft Co2 Tank Cylinder Regulator Adapter DIY Kit (adjustable-range: 0-200psi)
  2. Industrial regulators
    1. More expensive
