

A project log for the seraphia tinka–

the story of my first hybrid steelpan prototype that kicked off my instrument building journey

seraphia-scarlettseraphia scarlett 01/24/2025 at 00:580 Comments

To make the working object more easily movable, I cut the pan out of the steel drum with a skirt height of 18cm.
Another learning from this part of the project was the fact that the pre-shaping of the notes is one of the most crucial parts to enable stable and well tunable notes later on.

As you can see from the indents, hammering the borders free-handed is one of the worst ideas you can follow through with when you don't have years of experience having done exactly that.
Also, dure to the metal having been extremely thin to begin with, the surface started to crack under the tension concentrated at the stamped UN-code letters. Also, since I had to work outside due to noise reasons and the weather starting to turn gloomy, the pan started collecting lots of fine rain and sweat, which led to it rusting, especially on the underside.
