This was developed in January 1994 using TopSpeed Modula-2 Version 1.17 for DOS (text mode and VGA graphics).
To run the program, you can download DOSbox.
At that time, I was taking an introductory AI class at the University of Hamburg (Prof. Peter Schefe, R.I.P.), and implemented this as a demonstration of "MNIST"-like pattern recognition using a three-layer perceptron with backpropagation learning for the AI lab class.
The three-layer perceptron and backpropagation learning algorithm was described in pseudo-code in English in the well-known 1991 AI book "Artificial Intelligence - Rich, E. and Knight, K, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill".
The workflow with this interactive program is as follows:
Determine the topology of the three-layer perceptron, and other hyper-parameters such as the learning rate and the number of training epochs:
Use the pattern editor to create the "training data", i.e., the "MNIST"-like one- or two-dimensional patterns that the perceptron shall learn to recognize. Use the keypad number keys (
) for cursor movement, and the5
to toggle a bit in the pattern. Use+
to switch between patterns, or completely clear the current pattern with thel
key: -
With the patterns (= training data) specified, start the backpropagation learning process by leaving the editor with the
key.The learning process starts, and the progress and convergence is visualized - the loss function for each pattern is shown graphically epoch by epoch. Usually, it converges quickly for each pattern; i.e., 100 epochs are typically more than enough with a learning rate of ~1. The graphs require a VGA graphics card (DOSbox emulates it):
With the three-layer perceptron fully trained, we can now use it for inference. After training for the requested number of epochs, the program returns to the pattern editor.
We can now recall the individual training patterns and send them to the perceptron with the
key; the editor then shows the ground truth training label as well as the output computed by the network underNetz:
. This simply shows the levels of the output perceptrons binarized via a> 0.5
threshold foron
. Compare theNetz:
classification result with the--->
training label. If the net was trained successfully, the training and computed labels should match for each pattern. Toggle through the different patterns with the+
keys, and repeatedly send them to the network vias
.Check the predefined patterns for correct classification, and also modify them a bit (or drastically; i.e., change them with the editor and feed the modified patterns into the perceptron using the
key).Sometimes, the perceptron learned to focus on a few characterstic "bits" in the training patterns; it is interesting to remove as many bits as possible from the patterns without changing the classification results. This "robustness" to noise and large changes in the input pattern without affecting classification was (and still is) a selling point for perceptrons and/or neural networks, in general.
Source & Executable
You can find a DOS executable as well as the TopSpeed Modula-2 source code here.
Source Code
MODULE Neuronal; (* Algorithmus aus "E. Rich/K. Night: Artificial Intelligence" *) (* Implementiert und Umgebung von Michael Wessel, Januar 1994 *) FROM InOut IMPORT Read, ReadInt, WriteInt, WriteString, Write, WriteLn; FROM RealInOut IMPORT ReadReal, WriteReal; FROM MathLib0 IMPORT exp; FROM Lib IMPORT RAND; FROM Graph IMPORT InitVGA, TextMode, GraphMode, Plot, Line; (* maximal 10 Output-Units, 20 Hidden-Units und 8x8=64 Input-Units *) TYPE net = RECORD Input : ARRAY[0..64] OF REAL; (* Level d. Input-Units *) Hidden : ARRAY[0..20] OF REAL; (* Level d. Hidden-Units *) Output : ARRAY[1..10] OF REAL; (* Level d. Output-Units *) Goal : ARRAY[1..10] OF REAL; (* verlangter Output *) w1 : ARRAY[0..64],[1..20] OF REAL; (* Gewichte Input->Hidden *) w2 : ARRAY[0..20],[1..10] OF REAL; (* Gewichte Hidden->Output *) END; matrix = ARRAY[1..10],[1..64+10] OF REAL; VAR netz : net; InOut : matrix; (* zu lernende Muster, 10 Stk. 8*8 max *) a, b, c, px, py, anz : INTEGER; (* a=px*py, Input, b= Hidden, c= Output *) epoche, maxepoche, i : INTEGER; (* anz = 1..10 Muster, epoche, i: Z hler *) muster, npro : INTEGER; (* Muster = akt. Muster, npro f. Protok. *) n : REAL; (* Lernrate *) xpos : CARDINAL; (* Grafikcursorposi. *) (* Jedes Kantengewicht wird mit Random zw. -0.1 und 0.1 initialisiert *) PROCEDURE RandInit(VAR netz : net); VAR i, j : INTEGER; BEGIN (* Init der Input->Hidden-Kanten *) FOR i:=0 TO a DO FOR j:=1 TO b DO netz.w1[i,j]:=-0.1+RAND()/5.0; END; END; (* Init der Hidden->Output-Kanten *) FOR i:=0 TO b DO FOR j:=1 TO c DO netz.w2[i,j]:=-0.1+RAND()/5.0; END; END; END RandInit; (* berechnet den Output des Input-Layers *) PROCEDURE OutputOfInput(VAR netz : net); VAR i,j : INTEGER; sum : REAL; BEGIN FOR j:=1 TO b DO sum:=0.0; FOR i:=0 TO a DO sum:=sum+netz.w1[i,j]*netz.Input[i]; END; netz.Hidden[j]:=1.0/(1.0+exp(-sum)); END; END OutputOfInput; (* berechnet den Output des Hidden-Layers *) PROCEDURE OutputOfHidden(VAR netz : net); VAR i,j : INTEGER; sum : REAL; BEGIN OutputOfInput(netz); FOR j:=1 TO c DO sum:=0.0; FOR i:=0 TO b DO sum:=sum+netz.w2[i,j]*netz.Hidden[i]; END; netz.Output[j]:=1.0/(1.0+exp(-sum)); END; END OutputOfHidden; (* berechnet den Fehler der Output-Unit "j" durch Vergleich des aktuellen Outputs mit dem verlangten Output *) PROCEDURE ErrOfOutput(j : INTEGER; VAR netz : net):REAL; BEGIN RETURN(netz.Output[j]*(1.0-netz.Output[j])*(netz.Goal[j]-netz.Output[j])); END ErrOfOutput; (* berechnet den Fehler der Hidden-Unit "j" *) PROCEDURE ErrOfHidden(j : INTEGER; VAR netz : net):REAL; VAR i : INTEGER; sum : REAL; BEGIN sum:=0.0; FOR i:=1 TO c DO sum:=sum+ErrOfOutput(i,netz)*netz.w2[j,i]; END; RETURN(netz.Hidden[j]*(1.0-netz.Hidden[j])*sum); END ErrOfHidden; (* ver ndere die Kantengewichte des Netzes *) PROCEDURE Adjust(VAR netz : net); VAR i, j : INTEGER; BEGIN (* ver ndere die Gewichte der Hidden->Output-Kanten *) FOR i:=0 TO b DO FOR j:=1 TO c DO netz.w2[i,j]:=netz.w2[i,j]+n*ErrOfOutput(j,netz)*netz.Hidden[i]; END; END; (* ver ndere die Gewichte der Input->Hidden-Kanten *) FOR i:=0 TO a DO FOR j:=1 TO b DO netz.w1[i,j]:=netz.w1[i,j]+n*ErrOfHidden(j,netz)*netz.Input[i]; END; END; END Adjust; (* berechnet den Output des Netzes beim Input "muster" *) PROCEDURE Calculate(VAR netz : net; VAR InOut : matrix; muster : INTEGER); VAR i : INTEGER; BEGIN FOR i:=1 TO a DO netz.Input[i]:=InOut[muster,i]; END; FOR i:=1 TO c DO netz.Goal[i]:=InOut[muster,i+a]; END; OutputOfInput(netz); OutputOfHidden(netz); END Calculate; (* Berechnet und zeigt an *) PROCEDURE SendtoNet(VAR netz : net; VAR InOut : matrix; VAR muster : INTEGER); VAR i : INTEGER; BEGIN Calculate(netz,InOut,muster); WriteLn; WriteString("Netz: "); FOR i:=1 TO c DO IF (netz.Output[i]>0.5) THEN Write(CHR(254)); ELSE WriteString("_"); END; END; END SendtoNet; (* Zeige den Lernproze grafisch an *) PROCEDURE GraphDisplay(VAR netz : net; VAR xpos : CARDINAL); VAR i, muster : INTEGER; y : REAL; BEGIN FOR muster:=1 TO anz DO Calculate(netz,InOut,muster); Adjust(netz); FOR i:=1 TO c DO y:=470.0/(FLOAT(anz))*(FLOAT(muster))-netz.Output[i]*460.0/FLOAT(anz); Plot(xpos,TRUNC(y),i); y:=470.0/(FLOAT(anz))*(FLOAT(muster))-InOut[muster,i+a]*460.0/FLOAT(anz); Plot(xpos,TRUNC(y),i); END; END; INC(xpos); END GraphDisplay; (* Grafik bereitstellen *) PROCEDURE GraphInit(); VAR i, y : INTEGER; BEGIN InitVGA; GraphMode; END GraphInit; (* schaltet Farben *) PROCEDURE Gelb(); BEGIN Write(CHR(27)); WriteString("[1;33;40m"); END Gelb; PROCEDURE Rot(); BEGIN Write(CHR(27)); WriteString("[0;35;1m"); END Rot; PROCEDURE Invers(); BEGIN Write(CHR(27)); WriteString("[0;34;1m"); END Invers; (* der Array-Editor *) PROCEDURE Editor(VAR arr : matrix; VAR muster : INTEGER); VAR w, i, ii, x, y : INTEGER; key : CHAR; BEGIN x:=1; y:=1; LOOP Write(CHR(27)); WriteString("[1;1H"); Gelb; WriteString("Tastatur: 4, 6, 8, 2, 5; 'e' zum Beenden, '+ -' zum Musterwechseln,"); WriteLn; WriteString("--------- 's' 'sendet' Muster zum Netz, 'l' l scht gesamtes Muster."); WriteLn; Rot; WriteLn; WriteString("Muster-Nr.: "); WriteInt(muster,1); WriteString(" "); WriteLn; WriteLn; FOR i:=1 TO py DO IF (i=1) THEN Rot; Write(CHR(201)); FOR ii:=1 TO px DO Write(CHR(205)); END; Write(CHR(187)); END; WriteLn; FOR ii:=1 TO px DO IF (ii=1) THEN Rot; Write(CHR(186)); END; IF (i=y) AND (ii=x) THEN Invers; ELSE Gelb; END; w:=TRUNC(arr[muster,ii+(i-1)*px]); IF w=1 THEN Write(CHR(219)) ELSE IF (i=y) AND (ii=x) THEN Write(CHR(158)) ELSE Write(" "); END; END; Gelb; IF (ii=px) THEN Rot; Write(CHR(186)); END; END; IF (i=py) THEN Rot; WriteLn; Write(CHR(200)); FOR ii:=1 TO px DO Write(CHR(205)); END; Write(CHR(188)); END; END; WriteLn; WriteString(" ---> "); FOR i:=1 TO c DO IF (y=py+1) AND (x=i) THEN Invers; ELSE Gelb; END; w:=TRUNC(arr[muster,a+i]); IF w=1 THEN Write(CHR(254)) ELSE IF (y=py+1) AND (x=i) THEN Write(CHR(158)); ELSE Write("_"); END; END; END; WriteLn; Gelb; Read(key); key:=CAP(key); CASE key OF '4' : IF x>1 THEN DEC(x); END; | '6' : IF ((y=py+1) AND (x1 THEN DEC(y); IF (y=py) AND (x>px) THEN x:=px; END; END; | '2' : IF y<(py+1) THEN INC(y); IF (y=py+1) AND (x>c) THEN x:=c; END; END; | '5' : IF (y=0) THEN arr[muster,a+x]:=1.0-arr[muster,a+x]; ELSE arr[muster,x+(y-1)*px]:=1.0-arr[muster,x+(y-1)*px]; END; | '+' : IF (muster1) THEN DEC(muster); END; | 'S' : Rot; SendtoNet(netz,InOut,muster); | 'L' : FOR i:=1 TO a+c DO InOut[muster,i]:=0.0; END; | 'E' : EXIT; END; END; END Editor; (* Backpropagation-Start *) BEGIN (* Laufzeit-Eingaben *) REPEAT TextMode; Rot; WriteString("Neuronales Netz. Implementiert v. Michael Wessel, 1/94."); WriteLn; WriteString("-------------------------------------------------------"); WriteLn; WriteLn; Gelb; WriteString("Wieviele Muster soll das Netz erkennen, (1.. 10)? "); ReadInt(anz); UNTIL (anz>0) AND (anz<11); REPEAT WriteLn; WriteString("Welches X-Format sollen die Muster haben, (1.. 8)? "); ReadInt(px); UNTIL (px>0) AND (px<9); REPEAT WriteLn; WriteString("Welches Y-Format sollen die Muster haben, (1.. 8)? "); ReadInt(py); UNTIL (py>0) AND (py<9); a:=px*py; LOOP WriteLn; WriteString("Wieviele Output-Units soll das Netz haben, (1.. 10)? "); ReadInt(c); IF (c>0) AND (c<11) THEN EXIT; END; END; REPEAT WriteLn; WriteString("Wieviele Hidden-Units soll das Netz haben, (1.. 20)? "); ReadInt(b); UNTIL (b>0) AND (b<21); WriteLn; WriteString(" ber wieviele Epochen soll gelernt werden? "); ReadInt(maxepoche); WriteLn; WriteString("Protokoll alle 'n' Schritte (0=keines), n="); ReadInt(npro); LOOP WriteLn; WriteString("Wie hoch soll die Lernrate sein (0.. 1)? "); ReadReal(n); IF (n>=0.0) AND (n<=1.0) THEN EXIT; END; END; (* Init *) netz.Input[0]:=1.0; netz.Hidden[0]:=1.0; RandInit(netz); FOR muster:=1 TO anz DO FOR i:=1 TO a+c DO InOut[muster,i]:=0.0; END; InOut[muster,a+muster]:=1.0; END; (* lege die zu lernenden Muster fest *) (* A -> 1000 *) InOut[1,8]:=1.0; InOut[1,12]:=1.0; InOut[1,14]:=1.0; InOut[1,16]:=1.0; InOut[1,20]:=1.0; InOut[1,21]:=1.0; InOut[1,22]:=1.0; InOut[1,23]:=1.0; InOut[1,24]:=1.0; InOut[1,25]:=1.0; InOut[1,26]:=1.0; InOut[1,30]:=1.0; InOut[1,31]:=1.0; InOut[1,35]:=1.0; InOut[1,36]:=1.0; InOut[1,40]:=1.0; (* B -> 0100 *) InOut[2,6]:=1.0; InOut[2,7]:=1.0; InOut[2,8]:=1.0; InOut[2,11]:=1.0; InOut[2,14]:=1.0; InOut[2,16]:=1.0; InOut[2,19]:=1.0; InOut[2,21]:=1.0; InOut[2,22]:=1.0; InOut[2,23]:=1.0; InOut[2,26]:=1.0; InOut[2,29]:=1.0; InOut[2,31]:=1.0; InOut[2,34]:=1.0; InOut[2,36]:=1.0; InOut[2,37]:=1.0; InOut[2,38]:=1.0; (* F -> 0010 *) InOut[3,6]:=1.0; InOut[3,7]:=1.0; InOut[3,8]:=1.0; InOut[3,9]:=1.0; InOut[3,11]:=1.0; InOut[3,16]:=1.0; InOut[3,17]:=1.0; InOut[3,18]:=1.0; InOut[3,21]:=1.0; InOut[3,26]:=1.0; InOut[3,31]:=1.0; InOut[3,36]:=1.0; (* R -> 0001 *) InOut[4,6]:=1.0; InOut[4,7]:=1.0; InOut[4,8]:=1.0; InOut[4,11]:=1.0; InOut[4,14]:=1.0; InOut[4,16]:=1.0; InOut[4,19]:=1.0; InOut[4,22]:=1.0; InOut[4,21]:=1.0; InOut[4,23]:=1.0; InOut[4,26]:=1.0; InOut[4,27]:=1.0; InOut[4,31]:=1.0; InOut[4,33]:=1.0; InOut[4,36]:=1.0; InOut[4,39]:=1.0; (* Beginn des Trainings, biete dem Netz alle Muster an, lerne ber viele Epochen *) muster:=1; TextMode; Editor(InOut,muster); GraphInit; xpos:=0; FOR epoche:=0 TO maxepoche DO IF (npro#0) AND ((epoche MOD npro)=0) THEN GraphDisplay(netz,xpos); ELSE FOR muster:=1 TO anz DO Calculate(netz,InOut,muster); Adjust(netz); END; END; END; FOR i:=1 TO 3 DO Write(CHR(7)); END; ReadInt(i); (* Ende des Trainings *) muster:=1; TextMode; Editor(InOut,muster); END Neuronal.