
Basic Magnetostrictive sensor

A project log for Magnetostrictive Position Sensor

Hard- and Software for a position measurement sensor with a magnet and a magnetostrictive wire.

florian-bFlorian B. 02/07/2025 at 15:380 Comments

To build a Magnetostrictive sensor rig you do  not need much. A wire clamp and eventually a wire tensioner, a coil and a moving magnet are enough. Of course you need the electronics described above. Here as damper a wine cork is used.
Coil, magnet holder and tensioner can be found here: Parts for Basic Magnetostrictive Position Sensor

In this configuration stronger damping is established. Here no quartet pulses are seen but solely the main pulse. With this setup the readout is very easy as only one puls has to be evaluated. However in this setup the position determination works only if distance of manget to coil is larger than 7cm.
