
Potentiometer to Change Stepper Motor Direction

A project log for Beer Pong Robot

A beer pong robot that fires ping pong balls into red solo cups with manual and autonomous control. Pong, strong, shots all night long!

aishatAishat 01/31/2025 at 08:260 Comments

I connected the Raspberry Pi Pico to a potentiometer and a stepper motor, allowing the potentiometer to control the stepper motor's direction and the number of steps it takes. This simulates how a joystick adjusts the pan motors' angles in manual mode. I converted the potentiometer's analog reading into stepper motor steps using a formula that calculates the difference between current and previous analog readings, divided by 150. However, this conversion isn't entirely accurate, causing a slight delay. To improve precision, I plan to derive a more accurate formula for the conversion rate.
