

It helps you in your 3D scans

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A member of our crew asked me to try the new 3D scanner on a small car manifold.
I had a rotating base with a 3D printed crank but it was not very practical because the base moved when the crank was rotated.
At this point I searched the internet for self-made rotating bases and found many.
Then I got really interested and decided to try to make a rotating one with a tilt control along the lines of some commercial products, but controllable with a web interface.
A few months earlier I bought a raspberry pico 2w and I couldn't wait to try it on some new project.
I decided to try the micropyhton development environment on this product simply because I found on github webserver, accesspoint library and the ability to control stepper motors with ease in addition to having the ability to control events asynchronously with great ease in the bundle.
No sooner said than done.
  • 1 × Raspberry Pico 2W
  • 2 × 28BYJ-48 + ULN2003
  • 20 × Dupont F-F 20cm
  • 1 × Header Set for Raspberry Pi Pico
  • 2 × Endstop

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