
Voltage and Current

A project log for Ambient Energy Field Converter (AEFC)

A system designed to capture and collect energy from EMFs, now being refined to enhance circuit efficiency and output.

rhea-raeRhea Rae 03/07/2025 at 17:180 Comments

Sadly I am only able to get 3.3 vdc stored in the 16vdc super cap bank. It was 30vdc with a normal electrolytic capacitor, I do understand why and I had presumptions that this would happen and it means I have more tuning to do, and more research on resonance also. Resonance is something that I am still struggling with in other projects too and I wish someone could help explain this to me as there's only so much I can interpret from AI and Human experience in invaluable. I might then utilize my FY6900 frequency generator finally...
