
Week 4

A project log for Remy the Rat

Based on the movie Ratatouille, we are creating a wearable Remy the Rat with movements matching the wearers arms.

tanisha-agarwalTanisha Agarwal 02/08/2025 at 05:430 Comments

After the meeting last week, we realized that editing the mesh file @shebuildsrobots has on her GitHub is not very feasible... when we tried to upload our CAD file to the 3D printing software (Orca), the design would change and random holes were added to Remy's head, and we had countless issues with spiraling and sizing. Instead, we opted to design the rat ourselves from the ground up using Blender. The focus for this week will be starting on Blender tutorials. Since this is a pretty major bottleneck in our project, we are cutting down on our goals to get rid of the accelerometers and are now instead going to have the arms move randomly using only the arduino nano every.
