
Global Watershed Remote Sensing Monitoring

A Edge Deep ML MESH Network of Bouys Made from Rugidized Milk Protein Based Graphine Powder Strengthened Bench Watershed Moni

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Mutlipath Mesh Network of Bouys Made from Rugidized Milk Protein Based Graphine Powder Strengthened Bioplastics with Solar, Toroidal Current Stators, Small Wind Turbine and High Density Batteries. Low Power Overhead, Off the Shelf Dev Modules Mixed with some Customized (4) cm2 (microscope reticle with concentrated stain granules 5yr supply) on Stepper Motors to take 3D images of bacteria and parasites, Bouch ML Gas Detectors (VOCs and VSCs), underwater camaras with wipers, simple fish finders (trained with a data set to determine type and est size, hydrophones, black boxes under some with backup data storage, above water line weather, mutlipath mesh network communication, camaras, thermals, anti-theft deterrent (camara, thermal, audio warning, indelible ink packs, signal to local government and any NGO for bacterial overgrowths, presence of excessive bacterial types e coli for example and coliforms, pH, tds, temp at different depths, bwatervflow, ec, tdO2, marine and fresh water.

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