
Smart Fan Project Update - Week 5

A project log for Smart Fan

A smart and compact desk fan that changes fan speed based on room temperature for a comfortable environment.

anaAna 02/27/2025 at 09:500 Comments


This week we made the following progress!

  1. We successfully set up the BME688 temperature sensor, wiring everything up and ensuring it communicates correctly with the Raspberry Pi Pico.

We used the following tutorial to guide us through the process: 

To make it work, we had to switch from MicroPython to CircuitPython, which introduced new challenges.


CircuitPython Compatibility Issues: Migrating to CircuitPython caused our DC motor code to break, requiring us to rewrite the motor control logic to work within the new environment. After troubleshooting and rewriting the code, we managed to restore full functionality.

Next Steps

  1. Implement temperature-based fan speed control – Adjust the fan speed dynamically based on sensor readings.
  2. CAD a motor holder – Design and 3D-print a mount to attach the fan’s DC motor to the servo motor, which will enable controlled movement in the future.
