
SmartFan Project Update - Week 8

A project log for Smart Fan

A smart and compact desk fan that changes fan speed based on room temperature for a comfortable environment.

anaAna 7 days ago0 Comments

Final Progress

This week, we successfully accomplished the following things.
we successfully attached the 3D-printed holder to both the DC motor and micro servo.


Initially, we struggled to get the display working with the Raspberry Pi, so we ended up needing to switch the entire system to an Arduino.  While this required rewriting some of the code, it ultimately made integration much smoother.

Final Thoughts & Potential Improvements

While SmartFan is now fully functional, there are a few areas where the project could be improved:
More Efficient Motor Control – The DC motor still requires a kickstart due to mechanical friction. Future iterations could explore a different motor or a more refined power management system.
Better Power Optimization – Implementing low-power modes or exploring a battery/solar-powered version could make SmartFan more energy-efficient.
