
Measuring the temperature in the oven

A project log for Another Mini Reflow Oven

Building a reflow oven from KMarts Mini Oven $35AU Appliance

paul-j-rPaul J R 02/16/2025 at 02:350 Comments

Measuring the temperature has proven difficult.

Originally the thermal camera reports the surfaces in the oven get to 200c in about 16 seconds, but finding anything else that agrees is hard. The heaters in the oven (one top and one bottom) are radiant heaters which makes it a little trickier.

Throwing a pair of thermocouples in there, they were very far off (took 5 minutes for them to register 180c) and one of them was a MAX6675.

Grabbing a spare 3d printer board and using a 3d printer thermistor was a bit more encouraging, getting to 200c in about 2 minutes.

Trying the MLX90614 IR temperature sensor seems closer to the thermal camera and has some adjustability but seems a little expensive for this project so im sticking with the thermistor for this project.
