• Dialog.h

    agp.cooper02/16/2025 at 08:29 0 comments

    Buttons GUI

    I am going to take one of my programs (csv2dxf.c) and replace Zenity with my Dialog.h header file.

    Lets call my GUI "Buttons", as it is conceptually a grid of buttons but with differing properties. The main constraint is that the grid is fixed width and fixed height.

    So the following image is a two column by ten row grid. Each cell is 160 pixels wide by 50 pixels high.

    Obviously I can merge cells such as the title and sub-titles.

    Here is how the grid is defined:

    //  Here is our basic cell grid defintions  --------------------
    #define cellWidth                   160
    #define cellHeight                   50
    #define cellColCnt                    2
    #define cellRowCnt                   10
    #define cellCnt                      20


    Cells are defined by a structure:

    //  The master cell structure  ---------------------------------
    enum modes {hidden,label,input,cancel,okay,toggle,button};
    struct CELL {
    int Id;
    int Forward;
    enum modes Mode;
    int Width;
    int Height;
    int PosX;
    int PosY;
    bool Selected;
    int ButtonClr;
    int PaddingWidth;
    int PaddingClr;
    int SideWidth;
    int SideLightClr;
    int SideDarkClr;
    int FontSize;
    char FontName[64];
    char Label[32];
    } cells[cellCnt];

    Note button types or modes are defined in the enum structure.

    Button Style and Colours

    The defaults for every cells are:

    //  Default cell properties  -----------------------------------
    #define cellMode                 hidden
    #define cellSelected              false
    #define cellButtonClr       (160)*65793
    #define cellPaddingWidth              5
    #define cellPaddingClr (256-32/2)*65793
    #define cellSideWidth                 5
    #define cellSideLightClr (160+64)*65793
    #define cellSideDarkClr  (160-32)*65793
    #define cellFontSize                 15
    #define cellFontName       fontName9x15
    #define cellLabel               "Label"

    I have used a grey for my buttons but it is configurable.


    Fonts are based on what is available under the X11 system. There are 948 fonts on my system but I only bound 18 fonts named in the font alias file. The font alias file is for backward compatibility. The aliases map to real font names.

    For example:


    maps to

    "    -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1"

       which maps to


      which maps to

     "-urw-nimbus sans l-bold-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1"

    Not all fonts work, but those with character set "iso8859-1" appears to be good.

    One problem is that the X11 system uses bit maps and therefore don't re-scale well. 

    const char *fontNameFixed    = "fixed";   //  Same as 6x13
    const char *fontNameVariable = "variable";//  Helvetica Bold 13
    const char *fontName5x7      = "5x7";
    const char *fontName5x8      = "5x8";
    const char *fontName6x9      = "6x9"; 
    const char *fontName6x10     = "6x10";
    const char *fontName6x12     = "6x12";
    const char *fontName6x13     = "6x13";
    const char *fontName6x13bold = "6x13bold";
    const char *fontName7x14     = "7x14";
    const char *fontName7x14bold = "7x14bold";
    const char *fontName8x13     = "8x13";
    const char *fontName8x13bold = "8x13bold";
    const char *fontName8x16     = "8x16";
    const char *fontName9x15     = "9x15";    //  Nice fixed default
    const char *fontName9x15bold = "9x15bold";
    const char *fontName10x20    = "10x20";   // Good Sub-tile
    const char *fontName12x24    = "12*24";   // Good title


    Best to draw a grid for your GUI numbering the cells from 0 to cellCnt-1 by column and then row:

    Cell 0: TitleCell 1: Title continued
    Cell 2: Sub-titleCell 3: Sub-title continued
    Cell 4: LabelCell 5: Input
    Cell 6: LabelCell 7: Input
    Cell 8: Sub-titleCell 9: Sub-title continued
    Cell 10: LabelCell 11: Input
    Cell 12: LabelCell 13: Input
    Cell 14: LabelCell 15: Input
    Cell 16: LabelCell 17: Input
    Cell 18: CancelCell 19: Okay

    Overwrite the button defaults as required.

    Here is the first row:

    // Row 1: Title
    strcpy(cells[0].Label,"      CSV to DXF");
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