

VUEngine is a high-level, object oriented game engine for the Nintendo Virtual Boy written in Virtual C, a custom C-dialect

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VUEngine ("Virtual Utopia Engine", based on the Virtual Boy's code name, "Virtual Utopia Experience") is a high-level, object oriented game engine for the Nintendo Virtual Boy. It is written in Virtual C, a custom C-dialect that resembles some of C++’ syntax that is converted by our custom transpiler to plain C with macros.

The engine aims to facilitate the creation of games for the Virtual Boy without having to worry about nor master its underlying hardware unless you want to. Instead, it provides higher level abstractions that are relevant for general game development. Check the documentation here.

We have shipped multiple demos with it and a complete-in-box game called Virtual WarZone, inspired in the old classic Battletank. And we are getting ready release our second game in physical form, Formula V, a futuristic, top down racing game.

Check it out here:

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