
Panel Artwork is Almost Done

A project log for HivesLink : Pollen Pathway

A Sweet:Sister Project to my Eurorack VinesLink Module

neil-mundtNeil Mundt 19 hours ago0 Comments

It is just going to be 2 PCB sandwiched together as a standalone unit. It will be Textured with hexagons on one of the copper layers. Similarly like my Vines Link Module. I think it Turned out pretty great. Looking forward to get some prototypes soon. Until then I got some more modules to assemble. Added the Silkscreen Hexagons Last Minute and I think the layout is decent for Labelling like VinesLinks. Might aswell have it as a option to save someone the hassle of using tape. Also Would like to mention the Front Used is Honey Dripper By someshinzz I was thinking for using a Hexagon Font but some of the Numbers were hard to tell what they were.       
