
Project Patchouli

Fully Custom EMR Drawing Tablet and Documentation

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Open-Source EMR Pen Tablet Hardware Implementation and Documentation

Patchouli is an open-source electro-magnetic drawing tablet hardware implementation. It includes a coil array, an RF front end built using commercially available parts, and digital signal processing algorithms. The design is compatible with most commercial pens from different vendors, offering an ultra-low-latency pen input experience for your customized hardware projects.

In addition, this project aims to provide comprehensive documentation of the EMR technology, including the mechanism, circuit implementation, signal processing algorithms, and pen protocol of different product lines from various vendors.

For more information, please check out the read-the-docs page of this project


NGI Zero Logo

The NLnet Foundation NGI Zero Core Fund sponsors this project. Learn more about it here: Project Patchouli.

This project is sponsored by Modos


Project Patchouli Documentation by Yukidama and other project members is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

All images and other resource files in this project, unless otherwise specified, are created by the project team and are licensed under the same CC BY 4.0 license.

The hardware design is released under the CERN Open Source Hardware License strongly-reciprocal variant, CERN-OHL-S. A copy of the license is provided in the source repository. Additionally, a user guide of the license is provided on

Unless otherwise specified, all program code is licensed under the GPLv3 license.

  • 1 × STM32G431 or similar Microcontroller
  • 1 × Opamp (COS8054 or similar) Implementing a high-gain 1MHz RF Receiver
  • 1 × Any Passive EMR Pen From any vendor

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  • 1
    Build the PCB

    The PCB files are in the GitLab repo. You can either build them yourself or hire a PCB assembly service.

  • 2
    Build the Firmware

    Please find the firmware files in the GitLab repo. Open the folder with vscode and build it with the stm32-for-vscode plugin.

    You must also install the STM32 CubeMX code generator and the relevant device packs.

  • 3
    Plug and Play

    The device will present itself as a standard USB peripheral. You can also install the OpenTabletDriverfor customization.

View all 3 instructions

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