
Week 8 (Session 2)

A project log for Robotic arm (again)

This is going to be a robotic arm controlled by a Rasberry pi and micropython.

sylvainSylvain 21 hours ago0 Comments

I picked up a Rasberry pi at L'Atelier to get familiar with it because it is the first time I use one. I firstly wanted to program in C++ but I really suck at programming so I thought Python was the best language to start. With Python, someone recommend me Thonny as an IDE so I downloaded it then set up the Rasberry pi on the App.

My first objective was to light a LED only with my computer just to familiarize myself with the link between Python and the Rasberry. I then worked with buttons, a buzzer and a servo (SG90).

I worked a little bit every day to be able to control the servo with 2 push buttons and this is the code I used :

from machine import Pin, PWM
import time

servo = PWM(Pin(15))
button1 = Pin(14, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
button2 = Pin(13, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)

def set_angle(angle):
    min_us = 500
    max_us = 2500
    us = min_us + (angle / 180) * (max_us - min_us)
    duty = int((us / 20000) * 65535)  

angle = 90

    while True:
        if button1.value():
            angle = min(angle + 5, 180)
        if button2.value():
            angle = max(angle - 5, 0)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print("Arrêt du programme")
