
Designing the kit - or: make up your mind

A project log for Replica of the PDP-1: PiDP-1

Blinkenlights and vectordot graphics from 1959

oscarvOscarv 4 days ago0 Comments

The problem with the PDP-1 is, its looks are iconic. You have got to get it right. At the same time, we want to make this a low-cost kit, affordable for anyone. So here is the first problem:

How do you get such looks in a replica, for a low cost?

The second problem is of our own making. PDP-1s came in various styles and colour schemes. The iconic blue one is mostly famous because that one is the only one left, at the CHM. There were blue and white front panels, rack-mounted and stand-alone front panel consoles... and between the two of us, we could not agree on the one to replicate.

   Three of the many PDP-1 variants: stand-alone and rack-mounted, white and blue, various peripherals

So we spent a silly amount of time discussing options. And decided we'd make them all. As in, we'll make a super low-cost 'stand-alone console version' and a 'rack-mounted' version that can actually be hung on a wall (as the rack depth needs to be mo more than 1.5 inches...).

Also, we'll supply both a blue and a white front panel with each kit. Make the colour choice the problem of each kit builder. The idea is you can take off the one colour panel and replace it with the other colour.

For the rack-mounted version, we opted to replicate the PDP-1 at Lawrence Livermore, because that avoids the problem of making a mechanical replica of the paper tape reader seen on the front of the middle image. Making that would break the budget. USB sticks will act as paper tapes instead...
