
Last.FM Scrobbling and menus and stuff

A project log for ESPer-CDP

A smart CD player + Internet radio + Bluetooth receiver HiFi component based upon the ESP32 microcontroller

akasaka-ryuunosukeAkasaka Ryuunosuke 5 days ago0 Comments

Well that's just wonderful. A CD player that scrobbles my discs directly to my account! :P

I'm starting to lose momentum and use AI generated code for this. Albeit I think it's not awful, but not good either. You can find the commit in the WIP github:

Then again, the whole menu system is horribly unoptimized (allocate all things on the stack then copy, copy, copy!!), and yet it's completely human, no AI used! :P

Maybe one day I'll have the energy to fix it, for now I just wanna have a working thing!!

On which note it's mostly done I think, with the WiFi settings menu now in place. The only remainder is the radio URL input and selecting the CD track by number, and we're done!. Program playback, etc, maybe some day, but not for the first release.
