
New 8x8 and 16x16 TDM Audio Board for Teensy

A stackable, multi-channel audio board for Teensy 4.x.

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The CS42448 used in Paul Stoffregen's original multi-channel audio board for Teensy has gone EOL, necessitating a new approach. The TLV320AIC3104 stereo CODEC can be programmed for different TDM slots and has on-board analogue filters. The design has common TDM signals and an I2C multiplexer on each board to allow individual codecs to be programmed.

A Teensy Audio compatible control library is provided alongside a modified TDM driver that transfers odd channel data correctly.

The main PCB has balanced inputs and outputs leading to 6x2 IDC headers, allowing different connector options to suit individual project requirements.

As the TLV320AIC3104 CODECs are QFN (no pins) packages, PCB Assembly is strongly suggested. The main board files provide everything necessary for JLCPCB's PCBA service.

Several 4-channel Wing boards provide input and output connections.  

  • Outputs: Balanced XLR and TRS (1/4"). Stereo headphone (1/8") 
  • Inputs: XLR, XLR Combo, TRS. An XLR input board with Phantom power.

The hardware repository is at

The Teensy audio driver is at

Boards will be made available on Tindie

Input Output XLR Wing Board.png

The XLR board can be configured as input or output. For correct signal polarity, male (output) sockets are mounted on the underside of the board.

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XLR Input Output Wing Board Schematic.pdf

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Wing Board 4 TRS Mk III.png

The TRS wing board for inputs or outputs. The 1/8" headphone jacks are only valid for output connections.

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TRS Wing Board Schematic.pdf

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tlv320aic3104 audio rev K twist.png

The main PCB. Most connectors have been omitted for clarity.

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View all 6 files

  • 4 × TLV320AIC3104 Stereo TDM compatible CODEC
  • 1 × PCA9546 Logic ICs / Decoders, Encoders, Multiplexers, DemultiplexersI

View all 2 project logs

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