- Identify Key Project Goals
- Choose Components
- Planning out Blynk app interface
- Sketching System Layout
Key Project Goals
The Final Backpack System Should Check All of these Boxes:
- Detect BLE tags attached to essential items
- Allow user to select which items (tags) they want in their bag at present time
- Detect if items are missing from 2 actions:
- If user presses a button it scans all tags wanted
- If user becomes too far away from the dorm it scans for all tags wanted
- Send a notification to the Blynk app whether or not any items are missing
- Display which items are missing
- Be compact and battery efficient for daily use
- Easy access to charging or replacing battery
Hardware Selection
ESP32 - Main Controller with Bluetooth and WIFI support
BLE tags
3.7V 2500mAh LiPo Battery
TP4056 Power Board - recharging of battery and stable voltage output to ESP32
MT3608 DC-DC Boost - for supplying a stable 5V to the ESP32
1N5819 Schottky Diode - prevent any harmful backflow when battery drops voltage
Blynk App Interface
The final Blynk App will include:
- Item List interface
- A list of all known BLE tags with a checkbox
- The Ability to rename tags
2. Scanning and Notifying
a. A scan button that scans for missing tags
b. Automatic notifications if an item is left behind
3. Ability to add new close-by tags to app
System Layout
In Progress
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