
Pi Pico Game Device

Project log of Pi Pico game device developement over the years.

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I think this was one of the first projects that got me started with working with Microcontrollers and MCU's. So I thought it would be cool to show the progression of the project over the years.

I had only basic soldering skills when I began this adventure, no experience with designing PCB's, and had only done HTML, Javascript, CSS, and PHP Programming. The Pi Pico was my first taste of embedded programming and using Micropython.

As a builder and woodworker, the first device had a bulky wood case, and protoboard PCB. The soldering was an absolute monstrosity. I never finished it.

Device two was a win as far as I'm concerned. Still used a protoboard PCB, but put it in an ABS project box.

Version 3 has a custom PCB, larger screen, as well as a custom 3d printed case (my first 3d print).

I will post a log for each device, describing what I learned with each build. Version 3 is fully functional and I have made a cool space shooter game for it. My plan is to mak

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