
Analog Style LED Clock

The Analog Style LED Clock uses 180 LEDs to display the time, much like the hands of a traditional analog clock.

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The Analog Style LED Clock uses 180 LEDs to display the time, much like the hands of a traditional analog clock. The clock also features an alarm. An additional LED indicates the alarm status and another LED indicates PM. Four pushbuttons allow you to set the clock and alarm. The clock uses the 50 or 60 Hz from the electric utility to keep accurate time.

One of the design goals was to use the minimum number of parts to control the clock and a microcontroller with the smallest pin count possible. The clock has a total of 182 LEDs and a buzzer ... all driven by just an 18-pin microcontroller! Plus the controller monitors the 4 pushbuttons and the 50 or 60 Hz line. No other logic, I/O or driving circuits are used. How is this possible? It is all explained in the user's manual!

The clock was originally designed as my Senior Project to complete my Electrical Engineering Degree. A number of years ago, I remember reading about a technique to individually control a large number of LEDs with a relatively small number of I/O lines. I immediately thought a good use of this technique would be to make a clock with 180 LEDs. It would have 60 LEDs each for seconds, minutes and hours (which would increment every 12 minutes). It never became much more than an idea in the back of my mind until I suggested it to my instructor for my Senior Project. He responded that he would accept the proposal if I added an alarm feature.

The clock generated so much interest, I redesigned it, fixing all the issues, and made a bunch of them. And now, you can buy the kit at my website,, or at Tindie!

I sell on Tindie

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Catherine Sui wrote 06/29/2020 at 02:56 point

It looks like a luxurious watch with diamonds, beautiful!

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