

Embedded Computing Project, Insper Computing Engineering course, 2017

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Although Insper's computer engineering course is recent , it already contains innovative courses, that instigate the technical development next to the entrepreneurship. Thus, the Embedded Computing course, 5th semester, planned a project to address such competences:

The aim of the project is to improve the optimization and to understand the operation of the Atmel SAME70 board. From this focus, students Gabriel Rios and Gabriela Almeida will develop an Automatic Repetition Counter, aimed at its use in gyms. The main idea is to get a user who regularly trains and improve his performance through a device that counts automatically how many repetitions he has already performed, while verifying that the repetition was valid. In this way, the user can think of other subjects when performing the exercise.

Project Idealization

As a first step, each member thought of at least 2 possible projects to be undertaken. By means of a vote, 1 of them was chosen, and from this point the idealization of the project itself began: Which materials to use, how to program the board to carry out the key functions, etc. For this, a first Diagram of the project was structured for the superficial analysis of the plant.

Initial Diagram

Below: The idealization of the Block Diagram for the project

Below: Block Diagram of Bluetooth Device

Description of the Diagram

The idea is that the user places the prototype of the counter next to the weight of the machine on which the exercise will be performed. With a prior calibration of the movement to be performed on the repetitions, the counter ensures that all movement will be perfect. Otherwise, repetition will not be considered. The number of repetitions to be executed, as well as the calibration, can be saved in the prototype's own memory. The user can communicate with the counter through an interface still to be thought, probably an application. In this interface, you can tell which machine will be used and the number of repetitions. A machine that has previously been calibrated will not need a new calibration, since this information will already be in the device memory. Finally, the movement will be perceived through an accelerometer coupled to the device.

Accelerometer Measurements Validation

We used Matlab software to create a FIR filter capable to get information from the sensor, and transform all data into numbers that make sense to work with. For example, we had to throw all great variation out, working only with low range of accelerations. Also, we had to calibrate it by making tests, in order to find the error range. Finally, a program using Atmel Studio implements the FIR filter, as can be seen in the images below.

Qualitative graph of a FIR Low Filter implementation using MATLAB

Below, the comparison with the qualitative acceleration graphic made using Atmel Studio software

We can observe that the results are very alike each other, what means that the implementation was successfully done.

Detailed Diagram

Description of the Diagram: Same-70

This diagram contains all the info that we searched for doing the project. All the pins, peripherals and connections are ilustrated on that image. We can see the bluetooth (HM10) and the accel. (MCU) there too.


Atmel Studio main code, with FIR filter

C Source File - 9.71 kB - 05/31/2017 at 19:17



3D Box for SAME-70 -> Cover file

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 5.75 kB - 05/10/2017 at 11:39



3D Box for SAME-70 -> Base file

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 4.18 kB - 05/10/2017 at 11:39



Accelerometer C code

C Source File - 9.33 kB - 04/26/2017 at 20:19



Bluetooth C code

C Source File - 5.77 kB - 04/26/2017 at 20:19


  • 1ª Step

    Gabriel do Vale Rios03/20/2017 at 16:46 0 comments

    • 1. Read accelerometer
    • 2. Reading processing
    • 3. Saving data to memory
    • 4. Communication via Bluetooth
    • 5. Acceleration transmission via bluetooth
    • 6. Creating the helper application
    • 7. Receiving cellular data from bluetooth
    • 8. Enhancement of the application with timer and countdown of the repetitions

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riazsonia388 wrote 10/19/2022 at 05:49 point

You really did a great job making this electric program object. I want to embed it with my webpage. You can see this here

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