The 0x05ECure (ock-so secure) project aims to get superb quality cryptography into the hands of everyone or as a part of everything. As a part of this broad aim all source code, schematics and protocol documentation will be open.
The plan at this point is to make either a WiFi or Bluetooth device that can be kept in your pocket (or on a key ring) that holds key pairs and performs PKI encryption away from the client device. I will also port the code onto the LPC1114 (a dip packaged Cortex-M0) such that it can become an SPI connected standard component for IoT projects. Libraries will be written for the 'phone/tablet' use case - at this point likely as a plugin for Apache Cordova - and an Arduino library for the IoT use cases.
The API itself will consist of relationships - a concept which encompasses asymmetric key encryption between two nodes; messages which are two part (ECC and AES) blobs that require the device to authenticate and recover the session key so the client can do the stream decryption; and a presence/transport API for moving the messages themselves. A small server side presence server may become necessary ... or I might just use XMPP.
Regarding BLE security: it can bind itself to a particular client (i.e. phone) and will then use AES128 to encrypt resulting conversations. I'm sure it helps that the transmission power involved is really low too. Finally the best result you can get from even plaintext sniffing would be the ECC 'envelope' for a message (not useful) and on return an AES key that is valid for only that one message. It's something I want to look into more though...